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Under the impact of the epidemic,the construction machinery is expected to benefit

Apr 10, 2020

At present, global demand for construction machinery is mainly driven by China, North America and Western Europe. According to 2018 data, the above regions accounted for 23.01%, 30.88% and 13.31% of global demand in terms of sales statistics.

The main export areas of domestic construction machinery are Asia (48%), Europe (17%) and North America (14%). The whole construction machinery is mainly exported to countries along the Belt and Road. At the same time, there are larger-scale construction machinery parts exported to more developed areas such as the United States, Japan, Australia, South Korea, India and the United Kingdom, as spare parts or assembled locally.

The new Coronary Pneumonia (COVID-19) outbreak since the end of 2019 has had a huge impact on the economic and social life of China and the world.

With the outbreak of New Coronary Pneumonia at the end of the country, and the continuous spread in Europe and the United States. In the short term, it can be expected that domestic demand for construction machinery will rebound rapidly, while overseas demand will be suppressed. At present, European and American countries are stepping up a series of stimulus plans, and it is expected that domestic and foreign demand will be released after the epidemic has eased.

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